Everything about summer - the fashion, the makeup, the sports - is bursting with color, life and energy, so why shouldn't your food? Healthy, fresh, nutrient dense produce is plentiful in summer and stocking up on the right ones is sure to do a body good.

Watermelon - There are few things more refreshing on a hot summer's day than a tall, ice-cold glass of water. Water is vital to keeping the body hydrated and maintaining the balance of bodily fluids. Approximately 60% of the average adult human body is made up of water, and since we lose quite a bit of it during the hot summer months through perspiration, it's important that we put it back into our bodies. But just chugging a plain old gallon of water a day can be daunting and even boring, after all, like the elementary school poem goes, "Water has no taste at all. Water has no smell." A great way to up your water content, while adding some color and nutrients to your diet, is with watermelon. Like the name suggests, the fruit is mostly water - 92% of it. It's also packed with nutrients. Citrulline, an amino acid found both in the fruit and the rind is great for maintaining healthy arteries and blood vessels. Because it relaxes and dilates blood vessels, much like Viagra, some scientists believe the fruit could be a natural form of the magical blue pill.

Watermelon is also twice as rich in the anti-oxidant lycopene (proven to protect against sun burn) as tomatoes are, and it contains vitamins C and A. These play a role in fighting such cancers as breast, prostate, uterine, lung and colorectal cancer by protecting cells from free radicals. Other vitamins found in the fruit include vitamins E, D, niacin, thiamine, B6 and B12. Minerals include iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, fluoride and selenium. It's free from fat and cholesterol and there are only 30 calories in every 100 grams.

How to Enjoy It - Now, here's the kicker. If you're not in the mood for eating your watermelon, or you have a hard time getting your kids to eat fruit, simply cut up half a large watermelon (you can also include the rind if it's organic) and toss it in a juicer or high-speed blender. If you blend it, strain after if you prefer a smooth juice without pulp. Then pour your bright, red, vitamin packed juice into glass jar with fresh, organic mint leaves and let it sit for a few hours to steep. This DELICIOUS drink is best served chilled, and I guarantee, your kids will be wondering how come you're letting them have so much Kool-Aid. If you want to add a bit more flavor to your watermelon juice, try adding some fresh lemon juice, fresh ginger root, and for an added kick, a dash of cayenne pepper. It's a summer treat you won't be able to get enough of.

Berries - Berries abound in the summer and these tiny, colorful gifts from nature are filled with healing qualities. You may have heard about the benefits to be derived from their anti-oxidant content - helping to fight free radicals and prevent various forms of cancer, but there are several additional benefits.

Blueberries are a great source of phytonutrients, which are anti-inflammatory and promote liver health. Since phytonutrients are also responsible for giving foods their color, the rich, deep bluish purple color of blueberries suggests they are packed with the compound.

Blackberries contain an ellagic acid, an anti-ageing phytonutrient. It prevents the breakdown of collagen, which usually leads to wrinkles. This important phytonutrient also protects the skin from damaging UV rays, which are out in full force during the summer months.

If you're looking for an anti-inflammatory, ditch the aspirin, and grab some raspberries. They are 10 times more effective than aspirin at alleviating inflammation. Like most berries, they also protect against environmental pollutants, and may neutralize some cancer causing substances before they have a chance to damage healthy cells.

Strawberries are king when it comes to disease prevention. More concentrated in vitamin C than oranges, these antioxidant powerhouses have been proven effective in helping to prevent cancer, heart disease, memory loss, arthritis and wrinkles.

Finally, summer is the happy month, but if the sunshine isn't enough to put a smile on your face, then try some gooseberries. These little, green, grape look-alikes contain kaempferol, a flavonoid scientists believe prevents the breakdown of the hormones serotonin and dopamine, which are found in the brain. Known as the happy hormones, they help to fight stress and elevate the mood.

How to Enjoy Them - There are several ways you can enjoy your berries this summer. You can opt to have your favorite berries on their own as a mono-meal; you can combine them for a colorful bowl of goodness; toss them into your salad to give it some color, a tangy kick and added nutritional value; or opt for the absolute summer fave - smoothies! Summer is not complete without an cold, creamy, berry smoothie. The options are endless. Simply look for smoothie recipes online, experiment with your favorite flavors, or ask a nutritionist for some ideas. Also opt for dried berries to make delicious, refreshing iced-teas.

Cucumbers - No matter how you slice it, fruits are always a great treat during summer, and whether you consider cucumbers to be vegetables or fruit, there is no denying that they are refreshing, especially in the summer heat. Cucumbers are a good source of fiber, potassium and magnesium, and they contain silica, which acts as a stabilizing force in the body and balances hormones. It also aids with the formation of collagen and facilitates the body's absorption of calcium - vital for maintaining strong, healthy bones. Cucumbers, like watermelons, are mostly made up of water, so they keep your body hydrated and regulate its temperature. From controlling blood pressure, to promoting joint health, aiding digestion, preventing bad breath, relieving arthritis and preventing certain cancers, the health benefits scientists tout cucumbers for having are numerous. Opt for organic cucumbers and include the peel, which contains most of the nutritional value.

How to Enjoy Them - It goes without saying that cucumbers are great in salads, but a quick and easy, light and refreshing way you can enjoy them is by tossing them together with avocado, lemon juice, a little sea salt and fresh cracked black pepper. Can you say DELICIOUS?!?!?!?!

Also, stay hydrated by drinking your cucumbers. Simply juice a cucumber with some ginger and an apple, and served chilled. You'll literally feel your cells come alive as you swallow.

What Mother Nature serves up during summer is abundant, not only in variety, but also in health and nutritional benefits. Forget the microwavable dinners and boxed juices that have had all the life and goodness cooked out of them. Head down to your local grocery, or better yet, your local farmer's market. Not only are the prices great, but seeing the produce laid out before you, may just give you the inspiration you need to go home and start creating your own summer masterpieces. Experiment. Be creative. Have fun, because breakfast, lunch and dinner have never been more deliciously colorful than during summer.

3 Responses...

Anonymous says:
August 13, 2013 at 9:42 AM
This is a great article! I feel refreshed just reading it. This should help keep me pumped up and hydrated.Thanks for the ideas.
Anonymous says:
August 13, 2013 at 9:54 PM
Ditto above post!!
Anonymous says:
August 14, 2013 at 8:31 PM
I can't wait to try this !
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